Wednesday, January 26, The Graduation Period of Program Study of Doctor in Forestry Science at Januari 2022 released 2 graduates, namely Dr. Arnanto Nurprabowo and Dr. Sri Endayani. Dr. Arnanto Nurprabowo is a special staff of the Ministry of Investment / Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) and Dr. Sri Endayani is a lecturer from the University of 17 August 1945. We congratulate you on completing your studies and graduating today! Hopefully the knowledge gained can be useful. Once again we wish you good work!
Starting in the 2020 academic year, the UGM Forestry Science Study Program opens new classes by research to provide opportunities for prospective students with work backgrounds as researchers in public and private institutions.
Pendaftaran calon mahasiswa baru Program Studi Doktor Ilmu Kehutanan semester gasal TA 2020/2021 akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 13 Februari - 2 Juli 2020
UGM Forestry Doctoral Program in Graduation Period I of Academic Year 2017/2018 on 19 October 2017 released as many as 5 Graduates. In this period there were 2 students who won the Cumlaude title, one of them Dr. Agustinus Murdjoko who is a teaching staff from Papua State University.
Sandalwood tree population in Indonesia has continued to decline in recent decades, even under threat of extinction.