Community services is one of college responsibility called “Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi”. Doctor in Forestry Science Study Program held this event on Saturday, October 14 2023, in Banyumanik Research Center (BRC), Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. Participants of this program were students of Doctor in Forestry Science, both even and odd semester, 2022 intake; and BRC local communities from Dusun Banyumanik and Dusun Wunung. There were few session of this services: vegetative tree propagation; seeds providing; and planting.
Workshop for tree vegetative propagation: shoot cutting
Provide “alpukat miki” seeds to communities: 40 pcs seeds
“Alpukat miki” seeds planting: 10 pcs seeds
Hopefully this services could be useful for local communities in the future. Salam lestari!