UGM Forestry Doctoral Program in Graduation Period I of Academic Year 2017/2018 on 19 October 2017 released as many as 5 Graduates. In this period there were 2 students who won the Cumlaude title, one of them Dr. Agustinus Murdjoko who is a teaching staff from Papua State University.
The best graduate of this period was also won by Dr. Agustinus Murdjoko with a study period of 3 years 6 months and a GPA of 3.97. Guidance from Prof. Dr. Djoko Marsono, Prof. Dr. Suwarno Hadisusantodan Dr. Ronggo Sadono is also the youngest graduate with 38 years and 4 months. His dissertation entitled “Structure and Dynamic of Logge-Over Forest in Southern Lowlands of Papua (a Case Study of Pometia spp as Endemic Species)” was completed in less than 3 years.