Management of the National Park (TN) since declared in 1980 experienced a lot of problems. The problem in many vertices cause damage to forest resources. One of the efforts to improve the management of TN contained in PP 6 Year 2007 on Forest Arrangement and Preparation of Forest Management Plan and Forest Utilization is the transformation of the organization into a TN Conservation Forest Management Unit (KPHK).
“One of the national parks are set MoF became Conservation Forest Management Unit is the National Park Alas Purwo (TNAP),” said Tri Atmojo, S.Hut., MT, at the Auditorium of Faculty of Forestry UGM, Friday (7/3).
Lecturer of the Faculty of Forestry, University of Muhammadiyah, Sumatera Barat said that when open examination of doctoral program Forestry Science Division, with the dissertation “Institutional Construction Conservation Forest Management Unit Alas Purwo”. He said KPHK institutional construction has not been established by the Ministry of Forestry and today still use Permenhut No. P. 03 / Menhut-II / 2007 concerning Organization and Technical Implementation Unit of the National Park. In fact, institutional forest management should be characterized by good governance in forestry, Forestry Good Governance hereinafter referred GFG.
“The concept of the new institution is expected to change the paradigm of classical administration that is not only focused on the systems and procedures but also results-oriented, output and outcome,” said Tri Atmojo.
Alas Purwo KPHK design partnership, in view of Tri Atmojo, putting stakeholders not as a party that can assist the work of management, but proceeds in decisions ranging from planning, implementation, and evaluation. Thus, stakeholders also have a responsibility KPHK management success, not only Alas Purwo KPHK institutions as regional stakeholders.
“As a necessary precondition for a relationship, it is the willingness KPHK and stakeholders to open up and foster trust among institutions at various levels, from the top leadership KPH, until all of the level to the level of the resort management,” said the man born Samigaluh, Kulon Progo, 15 June 1977 ,
Therefore, the leadership model adopted is suitable for institutional KPHK Alas Purwo is transformative leadership. In the form of a dynamic leadership style that promises the embodiment of self-identification of the leader and embodiment of the blend in the interests of any personnel contributed to determining the organization’s vision. “So the head KPHK transformative character will use his influence to empowerment (empowerment) employees,” he concluded. (UGM / General)
Source: ugm.ac.id