Monday, November 27th 2023 Doctor Forestry Science Study Program team (together with Master Forestry Science and Profesi Insinyur Study Program) travelled to Samarinda to promote Postgraduate Study Program of Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs of Faculty of Forestry Universitas Gadjah Mada accompanied us.
Promotion Event held 3 times by visitation and gathering. We visited Faculty of Forestry Mulawarman University and Regional Service Center of East Kalimantan. Lecturers and staffs of those institute welcomed us warmly.
Gathering event held in hybrid way. Offline event held in Hotel Ibis Samarinda, and live streamed via zoom meeting. The event started on 1:00 – 4:00 PM with total audience ± 40 persons. Both offline and online audiences were excited to discussed with head of three (3) study program.
Thank you for your attendance! Hopefully this event can be useful, especially for you who will continue your degree. We are waiting for you in Yogyakarta!
Note: download documentation image here